Online War Games for Kids
There are innumerable war games available online for kids to play – you just have to identify the right ones. It would be safe to choose a game that is competitive in nature with out being violent. Many war games are designed to test the player’s strategic thinking and tactical skills. Your kid would enjoy fighting a battle using arms and armies in strategic ways.
Strategic Thinking
If your child plays an online war game that involves leading armies and conquering lands, s/he would have the opportunity to develop leadership skills in a very exciting and stimulating manner. Your child would acquire an analytical way of thinking on which the game play would be based. Being an army commander will give him a lot of confidence.
Safe and Entertaining
An online war game that would stimulate children mentally and keep them occupied in a constructive manner would be the ideal choice. It should be as much of a fun activity as a learning experience. Children who get involved in the game will start thinking in a clearer, more competitive manner and will develop a sense of awareness and alertness in order to stay on their toes.

Making runs towards the opposite half is important, and ensuring there is always a player free enough to receive the ball is essential. Passing the ball to him can either cause a goal or an opportunity, since all it requires is a correct pass. However, it is best to lay-off the ball to a forward as they have a better probability for scoring, and a counter attack is expected while attacking continuously. For such situations, a good defense can be very helpful mainly because a good defense stops most opportunities. Dribbling and changing pace often confuses defenders, while counter attacking can be done in a flash with very little, but accurate passes.
Scoring forms the base of any soccer game, however there are some very important guidelines that can prove to be very useful for a player. Attacking implies that the player should be brought as close to the goal as possible so that the pressure is reduced and efficiency is ensured. Long-range shots are really tempting, but do not always make a goal and hence it is best to make use of a formation employing 2 strikers. Using a lone striker is never as effective as using 2 strikers, as with 2 strikers, a 1-2 pass (wall pass) can be easily made and it may result in easy goals. For goal scoring opportunities, the lobbed pass is the best option, and a lobbed ball is hard to block or intercept. If there is a player in the correct position, a lobbed ball can work out wonders, ensuring fruitful breakaways.
Shoot button is meant for tapping, not for pressing down as it gives lots of accurate and fast shots on target. Fast strikers are the best sources for goals, and are available with top clubs such as Manchester United, Inter Milan, FC Barcelona, etc. These strikers have better shots, accuracy and speed, yet while attacking the defense of the opponent careful observation is expected. Every defense has flaws in it, and the best tactic is to exploit them to the maximum extent.
Goalkeepers at times make mistakes, and having a striker close to the goalkeeper can be useful in situations like this. FIFA 10 features three different strikes, the finesse, normal and chip such that a chip is suited for a charging keeper. Conceding a goal is not a big worry as the best time to attack is mostly after conceding. The opponent players become drained after scoring that it takes some time for them to get back. During this short gap, scoring a goal can have a zapping effect on the opponent`s morale.
Crosses are reliable sources of goals; all it takes is a nice pass and a player in the correct space. However, it is hard to defend against accurate crosses; hence delivering accurate crosses is a technique by itself. A winger, right or left, is the best person for delivering a cross while checking the radar, and the power to be given is one quarter for the near post, half for the middle and three quarters for the far post. Also make sure the ball curves away from the goalkeeper or he might just punch it away. Hold off the defender and as the ball reaches the striker, use a moderate level of energy as it provides an unstoppable goal.
Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil. Article Source:

"Lazy Video Game Player With No College Education Makes $150 a DAY Playing Video Games And Drinking Soda."
Discover how you could do the same thing and get paid a full-time job's salary to play video games all day long.
If you do not like playing video games then this is NOT for you.
There are companies that will PAY people to play their video games. I'm not talking about some lame ass games online. I'm talking about the latest and greatest games that are yet to hit the shelves. These games need to be tested before they are sold to millions of people.
Would you like to be the one testing new-unreleased games and getting paid for it?
*Companies Need You!
The Video Game Industry has skyrocketed over the past few years. In 2008, the video game industry is now over a $50 billion dollar business. That figure is expected to increase substantially in 2009 and 2010. What does this mean for you? If you work in this industry the amount of money going into your bank account will increase to a lot more. And next year. And the year after. That's IF you work in this industry.
Companies worldwide are desperately searching for people to test their games and PLAY THEM ONLINE, and they'll pay you nicely in return. It's a win-win situation. They release more quality games, you get paid. It's as simple as that. These companies have cash, LOTS of it, and they're eager to share it with you.
All you need to get started is a computer with internet access. What you'll be doing is playing NEW games and submitting any bugs that you've found. That's it! No prior skills or experience needed on your part. You don't need any degree in marketing to do this. Heck, you didn't even have to finish high school!
I'm going to teach you EXACTLY how to do everything with my step by step guide. I'll show you exactly how I landed a Game Testing Job and how you can do the same. I know over 50 companies that are looking for game testers such as yourself. And best of all, everything is online, that way, you can start at your own pace. All types of individuals around the world use this play games and make more money than they ever could working in a boring, dead-end day job. So, why wouldn't you? You can work part-time or full-time, it's all up to you. There will be no one to give you orders anymore! You have now become your own boss.
You know it and I know it; 99% of money making opportunities on the web are useless. Our website has been copied over 20 times. Do NOT fall for our competitor's LIES. Gamer Testing Ground has been online since 2004, longer than ALL of the jokers who've copied us. Over a period of 5+ years nothing has come close to this.
*How Does This Work?
This is like a freelance opportunity. I'll show you all the steps to how I got my job as a game tester and how you can do the same.
I'll provide you with a large online network of over 50 of companies to work with, each looking for someone such as yourself. The video game field is huge, that's why there are so many positions available. Many people love to work with companies that relate to their interests. Like ONLY car racing games? That's fine. Like ONLY RTS games like WarCraft, that's fine. Like ONLY MMORPG? No problem! Whatever your pleasure. Find the companies you'd like to work with and only work with them!
You just have to submit an application with these companies and then you can get to work. Don't worry, there are no extra fees for submitting multiple applications. Once you've figured out which company you'll work with, you'll be set. They'll send you games, you'll play them, send them a list of bugs, and they'll pay you.
The more games you test, the more money you earn. It's that simple!
I guarantee that once a company accepts you, you could earn back your membership fee multiple times over within just a day or two of testing with no trouble at all.
You'll be provided with everything you need to get started; including ways to get companies to contact YOU when THEY have games ready for testing, how to stand out on your application - why YOU are the best applicant for that position. Why YOUR gaming skillz are better (on paper anyway) than anyone else's, and more.
*Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why would companies pay me to beta test games?
The game industry is now over a $50 billion dollar business. In the case of nationwide companies, producing games that have bugs in them -- games that the customers will return, means losing millions of dollars, and likely jobs.
If you buy a new MMORPG that crashes every time your character jumps while running, chances are you will not like the game and tell all of your friends not to buy it. This is a serious setback for the game company. The customers that bought their product will not buy it again and neither will their friends. This company now will have invested millions of dollars in game development, manufacturing, shipping, and marketing costs but no one will buy their game because of one glitch.
2. What, programmers can't catch all the glitches?
The answer is NO -- programmers are not necessarily gamers, they won't find all the bugs that a gamer will. If a company pays you $40/hr to play games and find glitches for them that would otherwise ruin the game experience for the user, and possibly hurt their sales, from their perspective it's really a good deal.
3. What kind of games will I beta test?
It will depend on the company, but all these games have been tested before release:
a. Age of Conan - Hyborian b. BattleForge
c. Team Fortress 2
d. Mass Effect
e. World In Conflict Adventures
4. Can I test games on the XBOX 360, PS3, PSP, Nintendo DS, Gameboy, etc?
This will depend on the job that you land. If you only want to test games on the XBOX360 ONLY then your employment opportunities will obviously be limited. You will apply for jobs that you like and test on whatever system that you wish to test on.
Still have a question? Please see this page for other common questions/answers.
To get started, here's what you have to do now...

The biggest Montreal newspaper has a small interview with a Ubisoft employee on the new upcoming game, and he gave the exclusive info.
1. Ezio Auditore di Firenze, the new hero of this adventure, is very different from Altair. " Being Italian, we wanted to give him a big attraction for women. He's a seductor(...) he's also more warm and free than Altair, following his ambition for revenge instead of only obeying orders.
2. The first game was criticized for being to linear. That's why this one will have over a dozen new types of missions, with a lot more liberty and surprises. For example, you can decide to kill some witnesses if you feel they we're watching you too much during your assassination.
3. Desmond Miles is back again, but this time the modern areas of the game will be more exciting.
4. The new hero is a much better swimmer than Altair, he can even hide underwater or kill his victims after bringing them into the water canals.
5.You'll meet historic figures in this game, some victims other allies. da Vinci will be playing a very important role as your mentor and will create gadgets for you to use.
6. Having more than your secondary knife, you'll be able to defend yourself with your fists. You are a master of death, so you have to know every way to defend yourself
7. The clothes of Ezio are a mix of noble Italian families from the renaissance (he's a privileged man who's been betrayed by the head families of Italy) and feathers typical of assassins in that time. Unlike the first, you'll be able to blend in with more than just the priests.
8. Big jumps are back from the first, but with your new ability you'll be able to dive right into water.
9. One of Leonardo biggest contribution will be a flying machine helping you getting into normally unaccessible locations. You'll also need it in some of the missions.
10. The criticized ending of the first will not change the way they look at this one. I don't think a direct ending is the best choice because it leaves no place for imagination. One thing is for sure, we will eventually get an AC3.
Ways of improving brain power
Diet often plays a very important role in improving brain power. It has been found that food items rich in folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids and even chocolates help improve brain functions and increases level of concentration and learning capabilities.
But, it has been proved that it is playing brain games that rightly stimulate the total organ and helps to attain greater productivity in all walks of life.
Benefits of playing brain games
Brain games are all designed to improve memory and to ward off diseases such as Alzheimer and Dementia. It act as stress busters and are ultimate natural remedy against depression. Games not only improve memory but enhance attention span, improve visual recognition ability and spatial orientation. Tracking down your Brain Performance Index scores help you assess the perceptible improvement in your cognitive function. Additional benefit includes ability to adapt to the changing circumstances and processing information with better response time.
Which are some of the games to improve brain power?
Some of the games include Speed Match, Lost in Migration, Word Bubbles, Memory Matrix, raindrops and many more. Each of these games helps in exercising different faculties of brain and improves reaction time, working memory and attention span.
In the game of Speed Match, on the screen there will be two cards getting flashed on the screen with different symbols. The information needs to be kept in mind and used later to match with the previous symbol. Again, being accurate and fast helps to get bonus points as well.
Again, the game of word bubbles, it not only improves language skill and enhances your command over verbal fluency but also enhances information processing ability. In this game, at each level, a three letter stem is given and one needs to begin a word using the three letters. The length of the word determines which bubble will go up. Three words of the same length will help you to move the bubble above water. The fourth word of same length will not be accepted. The greater is the number of words formed, higher will be the score.This article was written by Dr.Craig Robin, a Scientist from Harvard University who has dedicated his life to the research and development of scientific brain games. Thousands of people have harnessed their brain power and even substantially improved it by joining his program. You too can enjoy the same. To play his free brain games visit:
Article Source:
The three game consoles in demand are:
* Xbox 360 - Xbox 360 can be connected to the internet using the Xbox Live service. It has a built-in Ethernet port or a wireless accessory. The Xbox 360 is available in 3 versions, "Arcade", "Premium" and "Elite". The difference between all these versions is of hard drive. The "Premium" edition includes a 20 or 60 GB hard drive while "Elite" edition includes a 120 GB hard drive. This game console is capable of outputting 1080i through component cables while 1080p through HDMI.
* PlayStation 3 - PlayStation 3 includes a hard drive and it is capable of playing Blu-ray Disc movies and games. It was considered to be the first video game console to support HDMI and it could utilize full 1080p. There are about five different versions of S3, which exist: 20 GB HDD version, 40 GB HDD version, 60 GB HDD version, 80 GB HDD version, 160 GB HDD version. Moreover, the HDD's can be changed for any 2.5" sata drive. It also has removable Card Support for Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, Memory Stick Duo, USB, SD, and MiniSD.
* Nintendo Wii - Nintendo Wii does not have support of any internal hard drive but do have 512 MB of internal Flash memory and it also supports removable SD card storage. It does not provide output for high-definition graphics as this game console have maximum output resolution of only 480p. It has a Wii Remote, which resembles like a TV remote. This revolutionary controller has an infrared camera and the system uses sensor bar. All these things make it a low price game console.
The low price of Nintendo Wii and its ability to download and play games from all of its previous consoles makes this a "best game console" till date. Xbox 360 offers HD-DVD as an add-on, which is a plus over PS3. PS3 uses an inbuilt Blu-Ray, which if gets damaged after playing lots of movies. You have to buy a new PS3 while if you have Xbox, you can simply replace its HD-DVD. Now, if you want to have a HD DVD player, you can buy one separately as well.
More information can be found at http://www.gameconsoles.netArticle Source: